1.) Okay, so with kids you can never go wrong with games, fun, AND food, right? Well, Nicole over @ Teaching With Blonde Ambition has the perfect ingredients for all the above, with her BUILD A HAMBURGER game. What makes it even more perfect is that it can be used with ANY grade level and with ANY subject! You create the flashcards on any subject you want and as students get answers correct, they build a burger (complete with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, the works!) Throw in a paper plate and you've got an adorable activity for pairs or small groups! Build a Hamburger is a WIN/WIN for teachers AND students! Click image to download.
2.) If you're anything like me, there are certain documents that you simply make multiple copies of and have somewhere that's easily accessible. This is one I'm adding to that pile. It's a simple, but cute layout of a vocabulary/word work template. You could use with any subject! Anybody familiar with Robert Marzanno and his instructional strategies? This one sheet hits a few of his suggestions for successful learning. (similarities, non-linguistic, and organizers) Grab it from my bloggy friend, Darleen @ Third Grade Love.
Click image to download. Repeat phrase here: Don't forget to leave these teachers some positive feedback for sharing their freebies with you! It takes time, energy, and even money to create, so let them know how much you appreciate the free stuff! :-)
Bananas for all 200 + of ya' !!!
Not so bananas for college tuition costs!